Thuramukham, Review.

Thuramukham , one of the most awaited film from Rajiv Ravi, tells about, Lives of innocent illiterate people of Mattanchery, their exploitations and revolutionary movements which results in a firing incident that killed many ,way back in the year 1953. Plot . The film starts by using black and white frames to narrate the story of a local muslim man named Maimood (Joju thomas). Maimood and his neighbours are headload workers in Cochin shipyard where they follow a distinctive work culture called Chaappa system under which Chappa is a token of permission that must be posessed by a worker to take part in loading and unloading activities in Cochin shipyard. This chappa coins are issued by an authority named as Mooppan along with a middleman, Pacheekka. As the Chappa system is extremely exploitative, workers and their family were leaving in extreme poverty. Maimood who revolted against the system got murdered by the men in power. When the film picks up the color frames, the timeline as...