Parava is a malaylam film directed by soubin shahir , revolves around the hugs and thugs of pigeon fighting in fort kochi and the waves it follows. The films opens when Irshad (icchhaappi) and his friend haseeb steel a guppy from a fish tank and escape back to theie home where they design their own world of fishes and pigeons. The film then quicken with so many plots of laughter and childish adventures of both these boys, their schoolings, friends, pigeon fights and so on.When haseeb found a drug abuser in a covert while he was searching for a cricket ball, the man in a covert is identified as the one who killed their ikka-Imran(Dulquir salman). The film then shifts its time-zone to the days when Imran and his friends were at their youthful days, playing cricket. Meanwhile, on a day, the boys thug with a medical shop owner foe misbehaving to one of their friends sister. But the situation, mislead towards the rivalry that develop when the the boys were lock their horns with a drug m...