Churuli(Spiral) Film review and discussion

Lijo Jose pellisseries latest release "Churuli" is a cynical mystery happens in a lawless land of malevolence and machismo. It's thought-provoking, artistically brilliant but not everyone's cup of tea. Plot. Two undercover-cops took over the challenge to find an absconding criminal named Joy, drew their parallelism with the folktale of a spirit who misleads people from their ways. They work and stays in a toddy shop to know more about the people as it's the place where everything can be investigated without anyone's suspicion. Living in such an uncivilised society without any values and conditioning, they explores their own freedom and ends up in the same loop of immorality. Positives Similar to "Jallikkattu" LJP has nested the film in a hilltop, and reveals the story like a rustling air in glimmer. The story don't have a protagonist albeit, managed to continue the narrative in the same pace. Story is engaging like a fable, and the screenplay in...