After a short break from malayalam film industry, Dulquir salman comes out with a youthful performance in this film that presents the story of lallu and his friends. Lallu born in a rich family but enjoys his life in the way he wish with no strings attached. As a romantic dude, he is been followed by so many girls from his childhood but no one could ingnite a 'spark' in his heart romantically. First half of the film hooks up with so many laughters and concludes when lallu finds his love from a newspaper clipping of a missing girl. In the second half, he chases the girl and comes to attracts whereabouts of her that yet again ignites the so called "spark" in lallus words. But, the story dig to its emotional mines and lallus reactions towards such unpreductable incidents are rest of the story that paves the way to its climax.. Positives. Dq, salim kumar, soubin, dharmajan, hareesh kanaaran, vishnu and the rest, gave enough comedy and colorful perf...