Athiran(അതിരൻ ) review

Following the thrills and suspense from its trailer,  Athiran realy casted myself in an emotional asylum with its brilliancy on pointless way of narration, thrilling music and promising performances of the actors in lead roles.

The films startes with cluless homicides in a royal family back in 1967, through the glance of an old lady as the reels roll atop to 5 years  then.

In the Five years of advanced timeline, 1972, a young doctor named Dr.M.k.Nair from trivandrum medical college is on his way to inspect a mental asylum ,thats deemed to be haunted.
He confronts with all the patients and couldn't feel satisfied with the traditional ways of treatment protocols practiced in the hospital.
Dr. M. K. Nair,  meanwhile meets a patient named Nitya who is kept in an isolated cells as she is considered to be critically ill with her Autistic personality. When the doctor invest few more hidden rooms, he meets a lady in a secret chamber and got convinced about the wrong-doings in the hospital.  The film yet again continous to be conspired ,and further goes ahead to theorise things  through other patients in the hospital.

Dr. Nair then realise that Nitya is the only heir of a royal family, and also the great financial support to the hospital with her invaluables assets she inherited. Doctor helps her to feel free and tries to know more about her.
From the case-dairies and nityas absurd words, he realises that the murders happened in 1967 is all for the familial wealth of Nitya.
Analysing the danger,  he escapes from the asylum with nitya.

The film got the midas-touch with answers to bunch of questions, when another doctor named Dr. M. K. Nair visits the hospital for inspection..
It untwine the mysteries of the film by parallelly cocktailing the answers to the present with the reasons from the past and concluding that the character played by fahad fazil is just an imposter of Dr. m. K. Nair, but realy is a patientpatie compost-neurosis ,broken his chain from the mental hospital and came to make Nitya escape as they both are cousins.

The films ends with a cenic scene when Nitya and him sits happily accomodating themselves in their life.

The best part of the film is brilliant performance of sai pallavi with her stunning martial arts, and fine-tuned autistic gestures which is very precisely codified even at her finger tips. Fahad fazil, and all the other artists gave decent performances.
Background scores definitely create a sort of adrenaline-rush and songs are too suitably blended.
Cinematography deserves special mention as it broomed every beauty of the location with ample use of helicam shots...

Script and dailogues presented with a melodramatised soliloque pattern at few loose ends in first half.

Am giving 7/10 for this thriller which cannot be degraded as a plagiarism on decaprio starring  "shutter island"...


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