MadhuraRaaja (മധുരരാജ) movie review

"Take jump is zero clever"-Wow... Raaja once again entertains the audience with witty stuffs and massive exhibition of stardom,  that appeals to every class of audience including kids.

The film starts with a carricature narration of an Alcohol poisoning that happened five years before the actual timeline in which a gangster named Nadeshan was accused. As the police tried to arrest him,  the sub inspector concerned was brutally killed by throwing to the dogs ,leaving his family into misery.

Film roles ahead five years later when Raajas father was instructed to file a report for a trust that holds the authority of running a school aside a Bar  which was indirectly run by nadeshan himself.
There arise a clash with nadeshan and raajas father that invites raaja into the plot.

Raaja slowly realises the wrong-doings of nadeshan through his illegal hooch trading empire, and stand against him in the then announced election for legislative assembly.Rivalry between nadeshan and raaja progress upto an intolerable limit that spares three lives of people who are very close to Raaja for standing against nadeshan.
Taking the revenge, raaja directly locks horn with nadeshan and kills him by throwing into the dogs and blasts him away.

The best part of the film is Mammootty itself, who admirably flavoured his screen with his stardom as well as comedy.
Three songs in the film  especially  that wedding-song spiced the dish with colorful ambience and dance.
Action as we expected, is well choreographed by peter hein, that includes raajas fight sequences, one jaw-dropping vehicle-crash and a couple of pathetic murders that shows the barbaric villianism of the character played by jagapathi babu.

The film drags a bit at its begining till the entry of Raja where the rest of the characters were helplessly failed to crack jokes with comparatively low value of humor.
Film, though establishes raaja as a hero, he looses people whom he really care about, that makes us feel less satisfied even after killing the villian.
The character named chinnan could have escaped from the villians, if so, might be more satisfying to the audience though the rest of its two  characters who were killed ,are not having much screen presence much enought to bring audience to an emotional dilemma..

Am giving 7/10 to this power-packed action film that appeals to every class of audience  ...


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