2.0 movie review.

Much awaited film of shankar with the superstar Rajnikath is a panthoras box of tamil cinema which gives out a marvelous visual treat with a sci-fi backdrop.

The story is about an environmentalist cum ornithologist who hints about the harmful radiations of mobile phones that causes the decline of bird population especially in india.. But the government authorities turns blind-eye towards this issue and the ornithologist commits suicide by hanging down from a telephone tower. As the neagative aura from his body joins with the similar force of all birds that died of telephone radiation, the energy becomes highly criminal and takes revenge upon common people. Dr.vasikaran, the scientists reveales that it can only be stopped with an opposing force by neutralising the energy levels. Thus caught the evil force in control by emiting positive photons rigorously. But its revoked by the other man who revenge upon vaseekaran with a belief that vaseekaran killed his father..
Remerged evil force apparently like a bird man then do the same havoc in the city by invading into the body of vaseekaran so that the programmed robot like chitti will not attack the evil force. After the fight, vaseekaran was saved from the abduction of evil force and the force get nullified by newly designed robo

Avoiding songs while narrating a sci-fi thriller seems good as the romantic songs or any other music tracks and visuals might have thrown away the audience from the grip of the film.
Background score, direction, VFX and every aspects of technicality is perfectly tuned and portrayed.
It has an eco friendly theme.

Origin of an evil force from the aura of a cadaver that later joins with the rest of the  neagatively charged auras of all the dead birds, not at all convincing.
AR Rahman once again disappointed the ears and hearts after sarkaar.
 Rating.- 3/5


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