Review on Episode 2, India, the Modi question.

 India, the Modi question in its Episode 2, discuss about multiple issues that are in connection with minority-targeting. It documents cow vigilantism, Abrogation of Article 370 that gives special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Illegal more migration in Assam, NRC and CAA protests, Delhi riots, and also Nupur sharma's hate speech against minorities that followed by the brutal killing of a Hindu man by two muslim radicals.

The documentary starts in Jharkhand (2017) by telling the story of a lady named Mariam, whose husband got beaten up and killed by a hindu mob for trading beef. When Mr. Modi gave a speech that glorifies cows in the name of Hindu culture and he openly criticised those people who kill cows for its meat. Following this speech, many of the BJP ruling states had criminalised the possession of beef This speech is considered as a incitement to take violent actions against people who possess beef, like a state- sponsored program.

Though Mr.Modi was silent over three and half years, he finally spoke up against the cow vigilantism. The govt arrested a BJP spokesman named Nithyanandha for one of such crime, but BJP leaders also garlanded other Hindu men who came out after getting bail. These events could successfully establish the idea of Mascular nationalism that set the fine stage for Mr. Modi's next election.

Secondly, the film narrates the events happened in Jammu and kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370 that gives special status to the state. Habeel iqbal, a lawyer tells about police excess, and torture of civilians who were got arrested from the valley during these days. The Govt. had deployed ten thousand paramilitary troups in kashmir valley to control the anticipated protests and arrested so many people who were innocents. They declared curfew, and shutdown telephone, internet, and even cut transportation system in and out there. United nations expressed discontent on this issue and this event is marked as a 'Horror show' by Habeel iqbal.

Thirdly, it talks about another man named Noor hussain who hail from Assam. When NRC exercises were carried on by the Govt, many people couldn't show their valid identity cards. According to Noor hussain, Even if they show their ID's,the govt authorities were not accepting it if it belongs to Muslim community. The renowned writer Arundadhi roy opines that India instead of addressing refugee crisis, is manufacturing refugees from its own population.

Fourthly, CAA(Citizenship amendment act) protests in the university of Jamia milia islamia is shown. The students marched to the Parliament to express their protest against the CAA, were suppressed by the police force. Students were beaten, tear gas were blown, that resulted in so many injuries. Though the govt, thought that it will get subsided, but it didn't.The protest became a pan india agitation against CAA. Police entered in the campus and had beaten up the students vehemently to convey their warnings to the rest of the population.

In 2020, The then President of US, Mr. Donald trump visited the state of Gujarat and praised Mr. Modi as a champion of secularism in India. These clips may feel unsuitable to the narrative, but it could convey how Mr. Modi reflects himself in international diplomacy though his country faces something contrary to what he claims.

It also shows Delhi riots, an extension of CAA protests that took away the lives of 53 people. This incident is shown as a Govt vs Protesters issue and also as a Hindu-Muslim conflict. Though Amnesty international came up with a report that underlined Police excess in Delhi riots, but govt declined such findings. Lots of NGOs including Amnesty international were charged for some financial malpractices regarding their foreign donations, and thus more than 200 NGOs were shut their offices in India as of now. It also shows the recent issue of BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma's remarks against prophet Mohammad that resulted in killing of a Hindu man. This event marks the muslim radicalism and violence such groups commit in the name of religion. Showing this issue is like a self compelled balancing act from the creators to claim their impartiality in documentation.

At the end, Christopher jefferolt comes up with an interesting argument that answers why the west didn't criticise india much on these issues. He says that West didn't condemn india because they know the fact that India is the only nation through which they can counter the emerging China. West needs india in the room for their policies to get fully accomplished.

Apart from all these, Mr. Modi is became enormously powerful even after he is extremely divisive. Now, what had been political incorrect is become a popular consensus.

((The author just summarized what's shown in the documentary without any political biases ))


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