Malayalam movie 100 days of love was released on 20th march 2015. Its directed by Jenuse mohammad,son of veteren malayalam movie director kamal. The youth icon dulquir salaman and chubby doll Nithya menon play the lead roles as balan.k.nair and Sheela respectively. The songs are tuned by thaikkudam bridge-fame Govind menon and background score is done by bijipal.Its beautifully absorbed by the talented cinematographer Pratheesh varma.

The film opens with an intro of Dulquir salman standing on a railway station with a protagonist narration that sounds "love is not fare." He says it’s one of his bad day and invites the audience back to 100 days,-"the 100 days of love". Name of the protogonist is Balan.k.Nair, so he used to call himself as B.K.N to avoid mocking. On a rainy night,he met a girl(nithya menon) and excuses himself away from the taxi to which both have entered through opposite doors. He caught hold of her beautiful smile and narrates the situation to his friend ummar,played by shekhar menon and showed him the camera which she dropped there unknowingly. While screening the photos taken with such an old camera,B.K.N understood that the camera has something special to tell or else no one would have been using such an old camera in today's generation of instagrams and selfies.His friend ummar is a computer gamer who takes the challenge to trace her location with BKN just like a video game but they got nothing from the familiar pictures of Banglore city. On a close look B.K.N knows that the camera has his own photo but its completely blurred. Was she tracing him? He stood answerless.And tries to believe that its just a coincidence even though he wish to accept the first possibility. But surprisingly he meets sheela when he got an emergency call from his friend seeking help from him after a car accident.In the hospital he meets sheela and they became good friends. On a newyear night B.K.N calls her to a party and there he arranges special candle light dinner for her. While they were about to leave, he handover the camera and she just hugs him. Their newyear celebration goes in vain as both of them got food poison from the special dishes dulquir was prepared. Lying on hospital bed side by side they see crackers outside and smilefully says happy newyear to each other.
Dulquir on an occaion meets sheelas would be.He is a smart looking guys and a well renowned buisness man. He knew that dulquir and his friend ummar is chasing his girlfriend,sheela and politely says them to meet him on a car parking area. He came punctually and humiliates dulquir by comparing about their status economically. B.K.N didn't have anything to say but dramatically interrupts sheelas boyfriend and says -"she will be with me at the climax".
B.K.N is working as a reporter in the newspaper named  'the times'. After hearing criticism and getting back his political cartoons from the wastebasket, he quit his job from there after outsmarting his chief editor who rejected his works and thrown it all to the wastebasket.
 B.K.N and sheela were already become more thick friends and he helped her to trace the location where her parents have spent their romantic times. The photographs were taken with the old camera of her father is actually her gift to her parents on the eve of their wedding anniversary.
While B.K.N proposes her, she says that she is not believing in love and love is too complicated according to her. But he was adamant upon her even after she got engaged with the already arranged relationship with Rahul.Her parents wedding anniversary and B.K.Ns birthday was on the same day. After giving the soft copy of photographs, he leaves from the function and enjoys his birthday alone on a cliff top in booze. Sheela came there to say sorry to him. He admits her apology and argues about her thoughts about love and finally tells her to come to him tomorrow if she wish to be happy with him throughout her life..Thinking about the happiness, comfort and satisfaction getting on being together with B.K.N sheela convinces her parents and gives back her wedding ring to Rahul. B.K.N plans to have a journey to refresh his mind and takes a ticket to somewhere southwards without knowing that sheela sacrificed her proposed marraiage for him. After waiting for him, sheela  calls him so many times but his phone was switched off. Nearing to the climax, Ummar comes to meet sheela to deliver her scooter back and she told him everything that she got free from Rahul and was waiting for B.K.N. They together go to the railway station and finds him beating the prankster who was playing with him through phone.
Finally sheela and BKN hugs together and  he says " i had already been told you that she will be with me at the climax"

The best part of the movie is Dulquir salman itself as he beautifully played the role of a new generation romantic hero. Costumes,stiles and dialogue deliveries were too flashing with the excellence of Dulquir.The debut director Jenuse mohammad proved himself that he can be more than he just did. He is a promising artist. The best Part of the script is the decision to concise the first half too short and lengthy second half with all the twists and turns of the movie included.Cinematography and costume designing also need a special mention.Supporting characters like shekar menon, Aju varghese etc.. also performed their part well.The movie have interesting thoughts and quotes about love, attitudes and friendship. Comedies were also handled well without any failed attempts to make audience laugh.

Story is not having much variety, in some words its not having a good story line at all. But it can comfort the crowd with Dulquir’s stiles, comedies and interesting quotes. Songs were not up to the expectations from Govind menon. Background score were also not admirably done. Since its a romantic movie ,music contributes lot. But unfortunately no one could remember any romantic tracks or songs from the movie after leaving the theater. Somewhere the movie lags and you may yawn. And adjust your sitting posture to comfort yourself when the movie cant grasp you attention to the screen.

I am giving 3.5 OUT OF 5
It’s really a good movie. My simple advise for you is to keep your girlfriend or any face of a  familiar girl in your mind while watching the movie so that you can see yourself on the screen in so many plots.


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