Ivide is a Malayalam character driven drama directed by Syamaprasad one of the versatile director of Malayalam film industry. Its penned by Ajay venugopalan.  Cinematography and music of the film are handled by Eric Dickinson and Gopi sunder respectively. It’s released in theaters on 28th may 2015. The film features Prithvi raj, Nivin pauly  and Bhavana in the lead roles.

The movie starts with some flashes showing Krish hebber (nivin pauly), varun blake(prithviraj) and roshni Matthews( Bhavana) and gradually cut into a scene on Atlanta city where a man named Nagesh rao is waiting for a call girl who he met on a dating web site, just for a late night bed-sweating struggle. On the very next day , he is found dead in a street where no one except drug dealers and prostitutes visit. His body notice to have deep  wounds especially in his vital spot that marks the mysterious hand of a well trained professional killer.
Varun blake( Prithvi raj), a committed police officer, woke up from his bedroom  as he received a call from his authorities about the murder. He writes a letter to his girl friend that sleeps aside him and get into the work. On examining the body, he could not find anything contributory to his  investigation except a tissue paper, an airway ticket etc….
The movie then slashes to the office stories of an i.t company named Info tech where Krish hebber(Nivin pauly)  and recently joined Roshni Matthews( bhavana) work. They were classmates during their 8th standard and then splitted as she migrated from the home land. Krish hebber is an ideal professional who works his best for the success of the company. He has so many professional track records in boosting info tech to a successful  one in the i.t sector. As a result of his systematic leadership, their company receives a massive outsourced project from a U.S based  company named Phoenix cooperates.   According to the statistics, This new project can escalates the companies profit about 40% more. Krish invades more scenes from then showing himself as  a successful officer  as well as a romantic younger.
Assuring the screen Parallelism of the movie, Varun goes on inquiring about the murder and he is more forced himself to find the identity of the killer as the similar incidence against American migrants are increasingly reported again. He realizes that the emotional reason for all theses serial ,murders is nothing but racism.  In-between,  the plot includes the story of Varun. He is migrated from India to U.S as his parents adopted him when he was at the age of 6. he married roshni Matthews and has a girl child. Due to his violent, wild and rough nature, he could not sustain a family life. Roshni , intolerable with the life-style of Varun, got divorce and presently living with her girl child. The story of both roshni and varun tells The child is the only thing common between them.
Mean while, Roshni and Krish find both of them comfortable with each other and having identical thoughts and likes. They both continues to enjoy their relationship without any wed-lock. Varun, ex-husband of Roshni continues with his investigation and arrives at some level of conclusions. As the murdered victims were all i.t professionals and they have linked with Krish for professional emergencies, Varun calls Krish for an interrogation at his office. He could not get anything supportive for his investigation form Krish. The same thought about the similar deaths of American migrants are haunting the thought process of Varun, he became restless. On the next level. He arrives at a conclusion that the culprit is the some one who moves for doing his job of killing, so, preferably truck drivers. He  arrives at a conclusion, pointing a man named William peirce with the support of some professional evidences. But the find-outs by Varun is totally rejected by his department as the culprit recorded as dead. Varun still believes that the serial killer faked his identity as dead so that he can do anything illegal without of any supportive evidence of his existence.
In Info tech office, Krish is ignored from her promotion as a CEO of the company. As a revenge , he utilizes an office lady named Michelle and provokes the sexual prowess of his boss. For saving him Krish  asks  him to suggest his name as the next CEO. Roshni knew all this cheep plays of Krish and refused to go with a relationship with Krish.
 When Varuns girlfriend  calls him complaining about her boss and sharing her sorrows, he did not give much attention to her words. Similarly, Varun, due to his professional nervousness  ignores his girlfriend . So  she leaves him due to his carelessness on her. He recalls her and offer a good story about  this sequential murders. The same feature then aired in the media and Roshni captures the eye of one of the leading news channel. She expresses her worries, and also her hope on Varun. When Varun see the news and also receive a call from the killer as he is nearing close to Varun. As the Roshni expressed her statements and reviled her identity as a migrant Indian , Varun goes to her home for assuring her safety. Roshni in her home. Reads a letter from Krish in which Krish wrote that 'nothing he  can  find  greater than  roshni. Nothing he can earn hurting her.'
 Tracing the identity of the call, Varun knew that professional similarity between the killer and Krish.
In info tech office, Krish met the killer and there revels the reason for those sequesntial murders. It’s a professional rivalry when info-tech bypassed the program from phoenix corporate that made the the culprit a serial killer. His family, friends and dreams were all shattered when expected works from the phoenix corporate are outsourced to an Indian company. It made him jobless and threw him from the chair of an owner to the slum of beggars. The killer also reveals that he did the same thing to Nageswar rao for developing such a software that outsmarted the status of killer’s company in the field.
 He points the gun to Krish and Roshni, and force Varun to kill Krish so that he can save Roshni. Thinking for some time and then on a quick succession, varun shoots at the killer. When the mive re opens to a morning, varun and his child gives a birthday gift to his mom. Back in India, krish and roshni  join again with all their family……..

The movies has discussed a topic that’s more fresh and different. It says about the life of Americans and their woriies being an Indian abroad and critically analyses and comment upon the existence of the deep roots of racism in amerce. It also ironically expresses the sweet revenge of Indians by stealing the most escalating  i.t sector of  America by smartfully receiving outsorced on line jobs. Cinematography  of the movie can be considered as a lesson from the Hollywood by Erci Dickinson. Songs were average, and matched up the plot.
We might have mocked about the English vocabulary of prithivi raj. But he proves himself and pursed all the blabbering lips of his critics by handling the American accept admirably than any one else can do in Malayalam movie. As this is a character drama. Prithvi raj stands out from everything.  He completely lived as varun blake and shown maximum commitment to the character he played. Bhavana also handled the scenes without creating much loathing.

Its not a investigation thriller as you think after watching its trailer, its not entertaining as you may be expected, its not even a Malayalam movie as you wished. So its just turned out to be a complete mess of disappointments. Casting Nivin pauly as krish is a total failure. Although he tried his level best, but the character was not at all suitable for him. More than 80 % of the scenes will not entertain normal malyalam audience. Bad script offer anything witty to laugh. If the story is too important, it’s the skill of script writer and director to arrange the sequences more visible on the screen with corresponding scenes instead of  background narration. Then the language problem could have solved … Here despite of giving scenes, they had let us to read the subtitle that require faster read than CNN flash news.
Basically what happened is, syamaprasad sticks more on the  story and gave more importance to its concept without any acceptable compromise in the script. Meanwhile, he might have forgotten to entertain or make the audience feel something about the movie.

Although I accept hard work, style, dialogue delivery, acting and commitment of  Prithvi raj, I can not give more than  2/5 for this movie.  One more thing, even if the movie is too boring you wont sleep, because the disappointed  boys  siting aside you will definitely make so many terrible sounds that wont let you sleep.… You should take care…….


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