PREMAM , is a romantic thriller written and directed by Alphonse Puthran and produced by the poppular film maker Anwar rasheed under the banner of 'Anwar Rasheed Entertaintment'. The music of the film is scored by Rajesh Murugeshan and cinematography is credited to Anand .c. chandran. The movie features Nivin pauly in the lead role as Gearge,madona sebastine as celine, saipallavi as malar Anupama Parameshwaran as Mary George, Krishna Shankar as Koya Shabareesh Varma as Shambu , Vinay Forrt  as Vimal Sir The movies shows varying grips of  a man named George over his love and life. Its extrasweetened with  so many situational comedies, style and youthful songs

The movie starts with a time line of 2000,when George (nivin pauly.) writes a letter to his lover named Mery(Anupama parameswaran) likening to sardine fry as his mind gets screwed upon on answering his mothers call for lunch. He finishes the letter and plans to propose her with it. Along with his best friends named koya and shambu.They go to an olden bridge where he can meet Mery personally. Unfortunately  He can not propose her as she is also chased by another love-maniac. They all run away from the site when Mery's father shouted and beats the other guy. As the George is too infatuated by Mery, he decides to call her after seeking suggestions from his best friend. The call is attended by Mery's father and he asks more precisely about the purpose of George's call.  After a couple of lies, George speaks with Mery.  Days after, Mery asks George for a kind of help to call her boyfriend from Georges phone,exploiting the faith of her father on George. He leaves heartbroken and allows her to progress her love with another guy named George as he quit..
The movie took another clap-trapping episode when the bright faced teenager changed into a bearded youth with furious eyes and heart of temper. College days of George is showing enriched with all the pulse and punches of a complete youth. While ragging his juniors, George meets his new lecturer named Malar (sai pallavi). Malar is a tamilian, a good looking sweet lady who supports all the finer things of college days but restricts everything within the limits. Malar threatens to steal the show with her elusory smile and a couple of romantic sequences. The movies also includes so many lols  from Vimal sir( vinay fort), a love sticken lecturer wander around Malar to impress her. The movie turns to its emotional brim when george hears about the accident happened to malar while she was travelling with her cousin. George and his friends go to malar's home at Tamil nadu and finds that malar lost all her memory. She cant even memorise her family. Desperate George cries as he steps out from the house,leaving all his second phase of powerful love to its own fate.
Third phase of George is shown when he is totally matured and runs a restaurant. A girl came to his shop(madona sebastin) asking for a cake.  George finds some special interception when he realizes that its celien ,the younger sister of mery. He believes that his quest for a better half is finished and decided to propose her. But he again leaft heartbroken when celine says that her engagement is on the upcoming week. Thrashed by the agony of separation from every girl he loves, George turned restless. On the parallel plot ,Celine  rejects her marriage proposal from Rooney as he insults her after substance abuse. Knowing all these, George and his friend beats Rooney like they have beaten him mistakenly.
 Ciline and geaorge get marry with the presence of all his friends as well as malar and family.  Malar comes again to the plot of marriage reception as a guest with her husband.  When She symbolically reveils that she can recollect the memory, the movies  delivers its final emotional punch as the curtain falls………
It’s a funny romantic comedy thriller where everything seems to have arranged in its right place. Style,dialogue delivery, acting , romanctic innocence and  perfectionism in all the three time line of  his age ,the  protogoniost  Nivin pauly stands out to identify himself to a promising actor. Music and background score of the movie will keep the audience to suits more to the plot. Situational comedis , counter dailogues, vernacular sayings etc…are turned to a real fire work rather than mere crackers of laghter. Dance numbers were also handled well. All the sequence treached a sort of perfectionism due to the perfect casting. With all such positives , alphonse created a nice film for all ages unlike the rest of some recent films did.
The movie does not have a perfect story when we analyse it carefully. Almost all the sequences like teenage love, romacing with a teacher etc.. are repetitive and almost predictable. But the script helped the movie to avoid monotony by presenting  all such plots  in a new form .  one can argue that the leading role is not Nivin pauly, but ciggerates and acolhol. Yes. 80% of the movie include the scenes  where the boys smokes and drinks. It could have better omitted out because those do not contribute anything to the film.  Except some scenes, first-half may feel  little dragging with similar stuffs.  Progressing through some tiny shots with illogical, irrelevant and purposeless characteristics , it turns little more dragging when the movie reaches its last 20 minutes.
 Altogether ,it’s a good one. I am giving 4 out of 5…. Well, When you watch the film ,You may wonder why those butterflies fly on the screen most often. They have something for you to say.. so please go and hear it from them……….
Love you....


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