Image result for two countries movie POSTER
TWO COUNTRIES   is a family entrtainer with all the flavous like comedy , drama, music and romance are added in a near-perfect way with slght tasteless repetitive wity spices. The movie revived with the same hectic touch by the crew of 2013 blockbusture- my boss and once again gives out their best screen chemistry

Two countris opens the curtain to a city in canada where ullas ( dileep) sits alone with his liggages as he seems totally lost. Tracing the popular song aila varutthathundu.... -he meets Jimmy( Suraj)who works there as a taxy driver . When Jimmy asks Ullas about the incicdence that bring him here, he narrates the story as the movie rewinds the time .
Ullas tells his story of native fraudulence with his best frind Avinash ( Aju varghese). They do all the fraud plays like blackmarketing , dirty poltics etc. As Ullas has some amount-due to a local capitalist, he was forced to marry the richmans daughter who is lame, to refix his financial crisis. By the time, he was mistakenly called for another marriage proposal from canada by Laya( Mamtha). Comparing the two proposals in its financial basis, Ullas opt for Laya as she is well settled in canada with lots of wealth. Ullas tries his best to impress laya by pretending to be her lover since childhhood. Laya came back to kerala to meet ullas and family and they both got married. Well -Before the marriage,  Ullas was alreay informed by Laya herself that she is an alcoholic. But he couldnt listen to her sayings as he was in booz. Ullas adjusts maximum to hide the ugly nature of laya, and they both flew back to canada.

Soon after they  reach canada,  Ullas was kicked out by laya as she was insulted him on flight. Thus he meets jimmy from where the Story restarts..

Jimmy bring ullas to Layas home and he got to the social set up of canda. Laya has her step- parents as they are separated but lives their life with their own seprate family. As she was so wealthy, that's inherited from her grand father, no one but laya can claim it due to these divorse issuees in between her parents. Laya too can't claim the properties because the court has ordered not to give such a huge wealth to a person who is an alcoholic. Obeying the discilplinary warnig from the court of canada , Laya also witness the same untouchabilty upon her grandfathers property. It all now suppose to come to the hands of ullas according to legal premises.

In Kerala,Beleiving the words of ullas, aviash had started few buisness, but he was totally trapped in all the  deals. One night avinash makes a video call, from it,  Laya got to know that the ullas's love towards her was a fake. She opt for a divorse, but it will keep the wealth untouched. Inorder to inherit the proprty, Laya decided to proove that she is not an acoholic by admittig herself in a rehabiliotaion centre. But ullas was in love with her  sincerely. He tells the care takers of laya to keep the aversion towrds him as if as it could help her to escape from her alcoholism. Ullas decides to leave canada with a letter kept in a bottle to make Laya see it. He writes all the story keeping the money back, that sways laya to fly back to kerala to meet ullas .
Back in kerala, ullas apologise for his olden marriage refusal and accepts to marry the lame lady as a deed of regret.

When laya reaches to kerala on ullas's marriage, she stood helpless on missing the real sense and feel of love.
When the bride calls for the marriage, another ullas who was earlier decived in poltics with a similar name, come on horse and outsmarts ullas. Skeptic to decipher himslef sad or happy, smile or cry, ullas and laya looks each other as the movue eneds...

Its a family entertainer that tells the story within the frames and spaces of a family with laughing nails punched to keep its stabilty. Casting remarks good and offer a natural screen chemistry between Mamtha and Dileep. The script from Rafi was apt for shafi to deliver the best. Comedies are also assures to keep the audience in a pleasant pace especially credited for Aju varghese.

Monotony is the greatest enemy of entertainment. You can not see nothing different from the face of dileep as he is giving the same kind of mannerisms and expressions as that of his older crowd-pulling films starting from panchaabhi house. Songs were not so good and not well choreographed. Comedies often make you cry instead of smile. It gives you just  a sense of gasp.

AM giving 3/5 for this family entretainer though the movie itslef disrespects my rating in its few corners.
Its quite hard for one to review this film as it don't have many negatives, but we cannot find much positives.
It depends on your age, thoughts, humor sense, moods, and also on the one who sits aside. The only thing am sure about is that the film doesn't appeals to all class of audience and it make you feel good without losing you money.


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