JOKER, Review.

The story of joker is all about a man with neurological disorders turns out to become a criminal through the continuous social rejections and personal agony.
The film invites the audience to the more darker mind of the character and compels to justify the characters crimes and gets sympathised to him.

Its story cannot be told directly as its a character-centric approach from the creators to let the viewer to judge his actions with our own personal ethics and free will.

The brilliant performance of Joaquin phoenix that overshadows the entire artists of the films by every complicated emotions and gestures comes and goes within the fraction of seconds. His miniacle laughters, moodswings, dance and everything will be revelling in your discomforts and you will be sympathised to it more efficiently than accepting the sadistic villiany of the pop culture's crown-prince of crime.
As its the origin story, the film refers to the Waynes family, Anti-rich sentiments in gotham city,  murder of bruce waynes father and also hints the direction towards the source of every quotes of joker of 'dark knight'.Thus it pays its respect to the established attitudes of joker in every possible way.
The political scenarios of a city is breifly criticised and the theories of anarchy,violence and massive civil disobidience is shortly commented.
The films picturised in lightly greenish shades to assert the mask of joker that gives us an attractive visual orientation to the screen.

The film is more dramatic and emotional rather than an action-oriented thriller as it skillfully crafted the thought-process of joker than his wierd actions and dailogues. This attempt from the makers may make the audience dissapointed if they expect a psychic toughest villian of all times.

Yes.. "do you know how i got these scars.""..  well...Now we do.... a bit... if the joker didnt faked us even now..

Am giving 7 out of 10 with a word that "hero can be anyone.............even a man you invite into your life to make fun out of himself..


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