BBC Sherlock Vs Netflix's Professor( Character analysis)

BBC Sherlock and Netflix's Professor are the two iconic Brainiac of Pop cultures show reels, one with his absolute deduction and the other with systematic planing. With such a brilliant performance from Benedict Cumberbatch and Alvaro Morte, Both these characters have lots of fan base across the world. Here we analyse the personalities of both of them and will figure out how are relevant these characters in our daily life.

1) Pre vs Pro.

Sherlock is all-time favourite for most of us with his extraordinary observation skills and deductions. Intelligence of Sherlock is more spontaneous and vibrant with no loopholes. On the other hand Professor never shows much spontaneous rush of analytic ability but manages the circumstances with pre planning and thus predictions. That's why one is an accurate reader of the past and the other is mastered in calculated guessing of future.

2) Laziness vs Systematicity

Sherlock is very lazy and don't have any personal disciplines in his daily life as he define himself as a high functioning sociopath. He turns to drugs if he dont get a challenging case to solve and react violently. But professor is very disciplined and punctual even in his routines and actions. He is a slow learner and a perfect executive but sherlock seems more quicker in thoughts, actions and reactions with his own way of laziness in moral codes of conduct.

3) Detachment vs Empathy

Sherlock always tries to be divorced of emotions. He believes that emotional attachments will destroy his thinking. He says on a crime scene, - "Everyone keep quite, i have to think. Anderson get out. You are breathing, its annoying."  He took everyone else for granted especially with regard to cleverness. The character Anderson, Mycroft, Johnwatson are his regular victims. He admits that he is a sociopath. In The abominable bride, he says- " I don't have friends John, I've just got one" is a yelling from Sherlock that proves his solitude.But Professor is very empathetic to everyone he meet and never humiliate anyone in any circumstances. He reads others emotions very precisely and always tries to connect to them personally so that he can instruct them appropriately.

4) Machine Vs Human.

Sherlock's mind works like a machine with objectivity. Even when he is on booze, his observation skills work as a reflex as he put in the "Dying detective". But Professor is more human and may end up in mess if something happens out of his plan. He is bad at instantaneous intellectual improvisations. But ,His style of execution is by taking the advantage of emotions that makes him the wildest card gamer of negotiations unlike Sherlock. 

5) Self esteem Vs Selflessness.

Sherlock always consider himself higher and he doesn't like when he got compared with others. He believes that he is extraordinary and thus got highly irritated when the villian character called Jim Moriorty tries to make him feel Ordinary. When Sherlock was proven ordinary in 'Reichenbech fall' by Moriorty , he falls apart as the other agent Sophia too tells him "You repel me". This shame of Sherlock is most visible in the "Final Problem" as he whispers at the end " It took him(Moriorty) five minutes....five minutes to do all these.."

Professor on the flip, is also a man of privacy, but not an agressive protector of it. Whatever we know about him is through his own soliloquy. He never try to portray himself as intellectually high, may be he is not much that of Sherlock.

Professor always tries to be ethically correct though what he is doing is legally wrong. He dont want to harm anyone even at the edge of his own safety. Sherlock on the other hand is subscribed to retributive way of justice.

Sherlock is ofcourse a man of contradiction in some aspects. Sometimes he behaves as if he enjoys the thrill of being a public figure but most of the time he says that he likes to be a man of privacy. He pretend to be against eulogising someone ,but himself enjoy the ramp-walks. To arrive at a conclusion to the character of Sherlock, the best of his own words that can be taken into account is that "Dont make people into heros, because heros never exist. If they do i wouldn't be one of them.

So, it doesn't matter who is greater and who is more clever. What we have to learn from them are most important. Observation skills and spontaneous brain waves make Sherlock Holmes Greater where as Planning makes The Professor Perfect. So, if you dont have such a sharp memory, and critical thinking, you can be still a winner if you can plan well. And even if you cant plan well, you can still win the game with your sharp and fine thinking. Remember, Human Intelligence dont have a proper definition still...


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