Malayalam movie 'Ennum Eppolum' is a family drama directed by the renowned film director Sathyan anthikkad and produced by antony perumbaavoor in the banner of aashirvad cinemas. its written by malayal actor Raveendran and screenplay is penned by by Ranjan pramod. The music of the film is tuned by Vidhyaasaagar. it released on March 27th,2015 with a huge expectaion as it features the most talented actors like Mohan lal and Manju varrier share the screen after a long time.

PLOT: The movie tells a story of a senior correspondent named Vineeth.N.Pilli played by Mohanlal. He works for a magazine called Vanitharatnam for the sake of his commitment to his mother who was a rapport of the same magazine. As he is too careless in his job, even if he is extremely talented, his new chief editor named kallyaani played by Reenu Mathews wants to throw him out of their magazine.Vineeth is a bachelor living with his friend Maathan played by Gregory. After a public incident, advocate Deepa played by Maju varrier become talk of the town for her sole protest for maintenance of city's the road transport system.
Following the incident, editorial board of  Vanitharatnam magazine instructs Vineeth to cover an interview by Advocate Deepa. When Vineeth tries to meet Deepa for her approval to take interview, he was caught at her colony alleging that he peeped ladies through window let aside the fact that his friend Maatthan actually did so.He follows Deepa to meet her personally  as  he promised his editorial board about this job,or  else he will be thrown out from the job.
When the movie advances, Deepas friend Fara played by Lena comes into the story. She is running textile buisness as her profession, is separated from her husband after realizing an extra marital relationship of her husband. Deepa lives along with her girl child,is also separated from her husband.On a second attempt by Vineeth to talk with Deepa, he again caught at a shopping mal and charged by the police for insulting Lena in public. When Deepa knows about Vineeth's intention to have her interview she rejects it by saying that she is not such a great person, and more over she is not interested in such thing. After the allegation for a female assault, he faces extreme humiliation form his collides and called to the chief editors desk. On there, he argues to prove his innocence and thus resign his job after hearing arrogant words from his boss.
Meanwhile Deepa faces a threat while handling a case of  fraud play from a construction company own by  underworld Don and CEO of the company ,played by Ranji panicker. He frequently threats Deepa for receiving bribe from him for diluting the case, but she always rejects. One day, riding with her daughter on a scooter, Deepa was followed by a taxi and hit, causing injuries. Vineeth following her, saw the accident and helps them to reach hospital.At the hospital, her child is legally taken away from her to her father by mentioning that the child is not safe with her mother. Deepa goes totally desperate on her daughters absence.

Occasionally, Vineeth finds the taxi driver who hit Deepa and reviles that he was just a tool of Deepas ex-husband. Her husband just wants to make Deepa irritated so he does all this.This statement from the taxi driver bring back Deepas daughter to her. After all this incidence Deepa happily gives permission to Vineeth for her interview. Nearing to the edge, she calls Vineeth and says that she likes the remnants of sandal cream on vineeth's forhead which She had once stated as the reason  for her interview disapproval .When she repeats " i like it very much'...the movie ends....

The best part of the movie is the Mohanlal itself as he tried his level best to handle the scene even though the script is too floppy. Manju varrier also did her part well. Gregory also managed the comedy scenes by supporting Mohanlal when the audience expect something/anything funny to widen their lip. Manju varrier's classical dance performances will be a watchable one for the dance lovers. The movie have some thought provoking quotes about family relationship, women empowerment and certain social issues.

Even though the star cast,screenplay,and direction of the film are having the Midas touch of great film artists, it turn out to be a hell of mess. Screen play is too slow and failed to register anything much relevant  into the minds of audience even if the movie reaches its half time. It just goes without promising anything.Most of the comedy scenes could make the audience smile only if they respect Mohanlal, or else their throat may scratch on howling. The character played by Manju varrier is well committed to the society, but as an actor she could not show her commitment towards her character and to her best audience because of the worst script she ever chose. The story have nothing special as we can predict most part of the movie and we can even guess the dialogues.Except one song, remaining are too bored and does not sink into the gravity of the situation. Ranji panicker played the role of a Don worked as a reverse spell.( when he is serious, we may smile, and when he tries to make us laugh, we may weep.)

Well, you can watch the movie with your family for just a time pass.If you are a Mohanlal fan, please watch it and show some responsibility to help him when he flops...
I am giving  2 out of  5. 
Please don't  believe in lengthy queue in front of your theater and its advertisements.
Infact the movie is just what i said. Believe me......
Thank you.....


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