Avatar, The way of water

 Avatar, The way of water, is a visually rich family drama, power-packed with amazing action sequences, concepts, and bio-centrism.

The story is simple, similar to the first part with the central theme of survival, and Nature worship. From Pandora, jake sully and Neytiri along with their children, including kiri (daughter of Grace Augustine ) travels to another place called as metkayina, to protect his family as the humans takes revenge on jake after he disrupts their supply chain. People of metkayina are swimmers and they evolved with adaptive aquatic features. Metkayina people have close relationship with a giant aquatic species called Tulkuns. Tulkuns are very intelligent and emotional, from their body, humans extract Amrita, that can be used as an elixir for longevity.

Quaritch who got killed by Neytiri in the part 1,came back as a Nàvi thats developed from his DNA with memory implants. He takes revenge on jake and his family at Metkayina, by trying to destroy the coral ecosystem. Survival of people of Metkayina, against this intervention is what the rest of the film.


The film is literally a visual poetry that's inked by the deep oceanic blue with scintillating threads of emotional drama.

The imaginative beauty of oceans, corals, aquatic habitats and their symbiotic relationships shown in 3D, gives a spectacular cinematic experience.

Story with a similar baseline of Avatar part 1, when it get modified with character detailing of Tulkuns, and specifically Payakan,made it more emotionally connected.

In the last sequences when whaler got destroyed after the attack, the scenes seem like the film makers pays tribute to himself by reminiscing his signature film Titanic.

Alien lives with some modern day callings like 'bro ', dialogues of Navi that are written as very relatable to human way of life, some operation commands etc are childishly funny.

Themes and concepts discussed deserves special mentions. "The way of water has no beginning and no ending" - is the catchphrase of the film. It tells about ecosystem balances, belief systems, man-animal conflicts as well as mutualism, all these are Eye-openers for taking our position on Environmentalism.


Indulgence in creating visual extravaganza, spared the story progression in its middle part. Sometimes the film makes one feel wilted after been immersed in water for long.

The story of colonisation of pandora forest got completely abandoned by the script writer, as their responsible leader left its people to misery.

When the protagonist, leaves its people to protect his family, jake sully become more a protective father than an able leader.


Avatar, be its first part or this second part, is a 'must watch film' for every class of audience who love the renewable world of cinema. It shows unlimited extend of 3D magic that will undoubtedly give you such a fabulous experience than ever before. Am giving 8.5/ 10 for this Avatar, and eagerly waiting for the next one.


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