18+, Malayalam movie review


18+ is a Rom com drama with lots of situational humours and youthful energy. The film also explores the politics and criticise the hypocrites of left wing ideologies who claim themselves progressive but are still conservative, casteist and patriarchal.

The film is centred around an eloping youngsters without the consent of girl's family. Their romance is sidelined in the film as they are not placed in such a situation. So, the story turned more about a 'humour packed village adventure' than a straightforward romantic drama. The best part of the film is the cordinated give and take dailogue deliveries and chemistry between the leading actors. Their comedy and friendship is the soul of the film.

Music and background score goes in a smooth flow and the cinematography is also ordinarily perfect. Nikhila vimal dressed as a young, confused magistrate is also comes up with humour but seems underwritten. 

When Mangalasseri Neelakandan in the iconic film Devasuram expressed his feudal lordship by undermining a merchant in a scene, it was considered to be a Heroic punchline. But after three decades, in 18+, a young innocent girl in court corrects the same by saying " Casteism is not in DNA, its in mind". This reflects the progressive outlook of cinema and the society though the evil jaws of casteism is still devouring the unity of our society. Communist party and its politics is also treated as a character without being addressed along the lines of a specific cause. But, the film shows the party more as an organized social fabric, and a part of daily life.

18 +, in total is a well engaging and relatable sketch of new generation, but i don't know why don't they have smartphones..


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