Oppenheimer, Review

 The film Oppenheimer is not a typical neo noir film. Its not about magnificent visual interpretation of nuclear physics and atomic explosion. Its not about mind bending exercise on non linear timelines that the audience most probably expect from a Christopher Nolan film. Having said so, let us analyse what Oppenheimer is all about.....

The plot.

The film is rich in its content as it mention the events very quickly. Its starts when Robert Oppenheimer inducted into his teaching career at 'Berkeley university' as a theoretical physicist during the time of scientific breakthroughs. Oppenheimer while working, come to know that two German scientists discovered the possibility of Nuclear fission that he thought impossible. US govt and the then scientific think tanks were so upset after this discovery as they believe that the Germans will use the process to create atomic explosions. To counter the anticipated danger, US govt starts Manhattans project to build an atomic bomb under the leadership of Oppenheimer.

As he was closely associated with communist party, the govt keep him under their strict surveillance during the development of Manhattan project. When he successfully designed and tested the atomic bomb, the project got dispersed and he returned back to his university. Meanwhile, Oppenheimer had some professional rivalry with some scientists and Lewis strawss, the chairman of atomic energy commission. His rivals use his past affiliations to communist movements as a suspicion of espionage and tries to punish him by denying security clearance to bear posts of national importance. Oppenhemer under go trails by the US defense force and finally get the verdict un favour of him. He then recognized with 'Enrico fermi award' for his contribution in the field of quantum physics, by then President John F Kennedy.


The movie pays complete justice to the History as much as its popularly revealed. Since the plot is a bone of contention that have its ramifications in global geopolitics, it doesn't favour any political ideology nor any nation states not at all justifying the decision to drop the atomic bomb during second world war.

All the actors, especially Cillian murphy and Robert Danny Jnr, were excellent in their roles as they transcends the gravity of each frames into every cell.

Most of the sequence are written in first person so that the audience can clearly relate the emotional dillemma faced by the protagonist after the invention of Atomic bomb and its knowing its devastating impact on public life, property, morality, and ethics.

It seems like a masterclass in recreation. The time, society, lifestyles, politics and global tensions are depicted with atmost care and accuracy.


In the film dark knight, there is a soliloquy that sounds like " Sometimes, truth is not good enough, people need more. Sometimes people deserves to have their faith rewarded." This is what exactly happenes to oppenheimer. Most of the audience with a mindful of expectations on audiovisual thrills of atomic explosions may fail to digest the conversation drama. That may get listed as a negative for such Nolan fans.


Am giving 9/10 for this classic biopic. I could enjoy the film as i did some homework before watching it. I red about the character Oppenheimer, The Manhattans project,  summary of the book American Prometheus, and also watched some explanation videos on YouTube before watching the film so that i could have gone along with what i was seeing on screen in quick succession. I suggest everyone to have little background check before watching the film on theatres for better understanding..


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